Priscilla: Romans 2:17-29



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Priscilla: Romans 2:17-29
God’s Judgment of His People

17 Behold, you are called a Jew, and rest in the Law, and boast in God,

18 and know the will, and approve the things excelling, being instructed out of the Law,

19 and persuading yourself to be a guide of blind ones, a light to those in darkness,

20 an instructor of foolish ones, a teacher of infants, having the form of knowledge and of the truth in the Law.

21 Then the one teaching another, do you not teach yourself? The one preaching not to steal, do you steal?

22 The one saying not to commit adultery, do you commit adultery? The one detesting the idols, do you rob temples?

23 You who boast in Law, do you dishonor God through transgression of the Law?

24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the nations through you, even as it has been written: Isa. 52:5

25 For indeed circumcision profits if you practice the Law, but if you are a transgressor of Law, your circumcision becomes uncircumcision.

26 If, then, the uncircumcision keeps the ordinances of the Law, will not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

27 And will not the uncircumcision by nature by completing the Law judge you, the one who through letter and circumcision becomes transgressor of Law?

28 For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in flesh;

29 but he is a Jew that is one inwardly, and circumcision is of heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.

Dear God, my beloved Father, today I offer to You what I have understood through meditating on Your Word in Romans 2:17-29, regarding “God’s Judgment of His People.” I am grateful to You.

Dear God, I understand that finding rest in the law means having peace and satisfaction by following every commandment through the teachings in the Bible. I know that honoring Your Word, applying it to my life, and making it my spiritual compass will help me stay firm on my journey with You every day.

Dear God, I know that the Jews are the chosen people of God. They were given the written law and learned about God’s law. However, they have not found true rest in Your law. They teach others and boast about their understanding of the law based on the outward meaning, but in their hearts, they do not believe and obey the law. Not living according to the law means rejecting God’s Word and violating His commandments. These Jews only circumcised their flesh outwardly, meaning that they only obeyed God in outward rituals and with their lips, but not in their spirit and souls. Therefore, even if they are circumcised according to the law, it is as if they are not.

Dear God, I know that nowadays we do not need to follow the Old Covenant regarding the Jewish practice of circumcision. Circumcision symbolized repentance of sin, cutting away the sinful nature inside human beings. Today, the Church finds rest in the law of the New Covenant, which is expressed through the ceremony of baptism in water and in the holy spirit. Baptism symbolizes repentance of sin and being cleansed of the sinful nature through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ and being immersed in the holy spirit of God. I understand that “the holy spirit” is the power that comes from God the Holy Spirit. Through this, Your people can live justly and holily according to Your Word.

Dear God, I know that nowadays there are many false prophets and false teachers who teach strange doctrines that are contrary to the truth and go against the Bible. They are the blind leading the blind and can lead believers and non-believers astray from Your commandments. There are many people who have received Your saving grace and have been baptized in Your name, but they only follow outward rituals without true repentance and without abandoning sin to live according to Your Word. Therefore, they are not sanctified nor born again. Consequently, they are easily led astray by heresy. You call these people foolish because they do not believe in You sincerely and do not have the Holy Spirit within them to enlighten and guide them to all truth.

False teachers, false shepherds, and fake believers only pay lip service to You, but their hearts are far from You. They are the ones who resist Your commandments, despise, and ignore all the teachings in the Bible, so You abandon them, as Your Word says: “For the sin of divination is rebellion; insolence is both iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the Word of Jehovah, so He has rejected you…”

Nowadays, many people in the Church boast about believing in Christ, knowing about Christ, and teaching the knowledge of Christ, but they do not have a lifestyle that resembles Christ. Therefore, the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles. They have not been the salt of the earth, nor the light of the world. They have not shown forth the love, holiness, and righteousness of God. On the contrary, they have been a bad example and have offended the name of God.

Dear God, I understand that on the day of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, those who do not truly repent after receiving the Lord will be left behind. That is Your judgment on the Church. Your judgment upon them is just, for those who know Your Word and intentionally commit sin will be punished more severely than those who do not know Your Word and commit sin.

May Your Word sanctify me and help me to live according to Your teachings. Grant me the ability, both physically and spiritually, to be at peace and content while meditating on the Word of God.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Priscilla Christian Huynh