Priscilla: Romans 13:8-14



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Priscilla: Romans 13:8-14
Fulfilling the Law Through Love

8 Do not continue to owe no one, nothing, except to love one another. For the one loving the other has fulfilled the Law.

9 For, “Do not commit adultery,” “do not murder,” “do not steal,” do not bear false witness, “do not lust,” Ex. 20:13-15, 17 and if there is any other commandment, in this word it is summed up, in the words, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Lev. 19:18

10 Love does not work evil to the neighbor. Then love is the fulfillment of Law.

11 Also this, knowing the time, that it is now the hour for you to be aroused from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we believed.

12 The night is far gone, and the day has drawn near; then let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the weapons of the light.

13 Let us walk becomingly, as in the day, not in carousings and drunkennesses, not in co-habitation and lustful acts, not in fighting and envy.

14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not make forethought of the flesh, for its lusts.

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, today I offer to You my meditation on the Word of God in Romans 13:8-14 about how to fulfill the law through love.

Dear God, I understand verse 8 to mean that if I am Your child and owe someone money or anything material, I should do everything in my power to repay what I owe them. As for emotions and spirit, Your children are always indebted to love one another, never being able to fully repay that debt. We must love others as ourselves and always act kindly and do good for everyone. In particular, we should care for, support, and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Church.

Dear God, I understand verses 9 and 10 to mean that Your faithful children, who have been cleansed of their sinful nature by the Lord Jesus Christ and given a new conscience by the Holy Spirit, always seek to obey the Ten Commandments, which means to love God above all and to love others as themselves. Therefore, Your children do not harm others, but always try to do good for them. Love does no harm to a neighbor. It also means not overlooking the sins of our brothers and sisters in the Church. Ignoring their sins would harm them, so we must honestly point out their faults and call for repentance. Your Word teaches us that a rebuke is more effective than secret love. This is also loving others as ourselves, doing for them what we would want them to do for us.

Dear God, I understand verses 11 through 14 to mean that those who have not yet repented of their sins and fully accepted the redemption offered by the Lord Jesus Christ should do so now by truly accepting the Gospel of Salvation. In fact, there are many people who belong to the Church but have not yet repented and are still living in sin. The day of Christ’s return to redeem the fleshly bodies of Your children is approaching quickly and could happen at any moment. Your children should quickly put on the armor of light, that is, faith in You, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to resist all the temptations of the devil and not continue to sin. Only then can Your children live a life that fully obeys Your commandments and fulfills Your law.

Thank You, Father. I pray that Your Word will sanctify me every day so that I may become more like Christ.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Priscilla Christian Huynh