Timothy: Romans 15:8-13


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Timothy: Romans 15:8-13
Christ the Hope of Jews and Gentiles

8 And I say, Jesus Christ has become a minister of circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises of the fathers,

9 and for the nations to glorify God for mercy, even as it has been written, “Because of this I will confess to You in the nations, and I will give praise to Your name.” Psa. 18:49

10 And again He says, “Rejoice, nations, with His people.” Deut. 32:43

11 And again, “Praise the Lord, all the nations, and praise Him all the peoples.” Psa. 117:1

12 And again Isaiah says, “The Root of Jesse shall be, and He rising up to rule the nations; on Him nations will hope.” Isa. 11:10

13 And may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, for you to abound in hope, in power of the Holy Spirit.

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, I offer words of praise and thanks to You for a new day and the blessings You have bestowed upon my family today. I thank You for the Eternal Living Word of God, which is life, wisdom, and joy to Your people. I ask Christ to give me strength and the Holy Spirit to guide me in truth. I thank Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father, I would like to present my understanding of Romans 15:8-13, through the teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father, I understand verse 8 as follows: The Lord Jesus Christ was born into the lineage of Abraham to fulfill the covenant that God had with Abraham. The covenant was established based on Abraham’s faith in God. Abraham demonstrated his faith by obeying God’s command and performing the circumcision ritual for all males in his tribe and lineage. This circumcision ritual was a symbol for cutting away from the soul the sinful nature, which is the nature that is rebellious against God. All Israelites who believed in God’s covenant with Abraham had to perform the circumcision ritual to participate in the covenant physically. To receive the spiritual blessings of the covenant, they had to cut away the sinful nature from their hearts, which no one can do until the Lord Jesus Christ washes them in His blood, after having died in their place for their sins. Before the apostles preached the Gospel to the Gentiles, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself preached it to the people of Israel. Those who believed in the Gospel among the Israelites received the covenant blessings both physically and spiritually, which is the meaning of Jesus Christ’s role as a minister of circumcision.

Dear Father, I understand verses 9-11 to mean that, although the Gospel was preached to the Israelites first, the grace of the Gospel is for all nations. From the beginning, God’s plan for salvation included all nations. After the Lord Jesus Christ’s resurrection, He commanded His disciples to preach the Gospel to all nations. Furthermore, in the End Times, an angel of God will fly in the midst of the air to preach the Gospel to all nations. Since the establishment of the Church until now, all who believe in the Gospel, whether they are Israelites or of any other nation, are united in Christ. Therefore, in the Gentile nations, God is glorified, and the Gentiles share in the joy of salvation with the people of Israel.

Dear Father, I understand verse 12 as follows: In the Kingdom of a Thousand Years and in the Eternal Kingdom, Christ the Lord is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords who will rule over all people. The Church will co-reign with Him. People from all nations will live in peace and happiness under the rule of Christ and the Church.

Dear Father, I understand verse 13 as follows: You have given us Your people the hope of resurrection, eternal life, and the Kingdom of Heaven. You fill us with peace, joy, and satisfaction when we have faith in You. Therefore, we look forward to and hope even more for the things we trust in. The holy spirit of God [1] has been given to us to help us understand the Word of God, to increase our love and reverence for God, to strengthen our faith, and to have the power to live according to the Word of God.

Dear Father, please fulfill the hopes of Your people soon. Please keep each of Your people awake, prepare them every day, and be ready for the coming of Christ. I thank You, Father. Amen!

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Timothy Christian Huynh

[1] Please note that when the term “holy spirit” is used without a definite article in Greek, it refers to the power and life coming from God and should not be capitalized.