Timothy: Romans 15:1-7


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Timothy: Romans 15:1-7
The Example of Christ

1 But we, the strong ones, ought to bear the weaknesses of those not strong, and not to please ourselves.

2 For let each one of us please his neighbor for good, to building up.

3 For also Christ did not please Himself, but even as it has been written, “The curses of those cursing You fell on Me.” LXX-Psa. 68:10; MT-Psa. 69:9

4 For whatever things were written before were written for our instruction, that through patience and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

5 And may the God of patience and encouragement give to you to mind the same thing among one another according to Christ Jesus,

6 that with one accord and with one mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

7 Because of this, receive one another as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, I thank You for the special blessings You have bestowed upon my family today. I am grateful for another new day that You have given me. Thank You for the Eternal Living Word of God that is always available for me to reflect on. I ask Christ to give me strength, and I pray that the Holy Spirit grants me wisdom. I am thankful to Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father, I would like to present my meditation on Romans 15:1-7, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father, I understand verse 1 of Romans 15 as follows: The terms “strong” and “weak” here refer to being strong or weak in faith. A person with strong faith has a deeper understanding of the Word of God and has overcome challenges in life by utilizing the Word of God to overcome temptations and adversities. A person with weak faith is either a new believer who hasn’t had much time to reflect on the Word of God, lacks knowledge of the Word of God, or someone who has believed for a long time but fails to diligently meditate on the Word of God. Those with strong faith should gently guide, advise, and be an example to those with weak faith, helping them to grow stronger in their faith. People with strong faith should not ignore the weaknesses in faith of others, thinking that they only need to care for their own strong faith.

Dear Father, I understand verse 2 of Romans 15 as follows: Genuine believers in God, who have God’s true love, should love their brothers and sisters in faith more than themselves and always consider their pleasure before their own. Even for those who do not believe in God, believers should consider their pleasure as long as doing so does not go against the Word of God. This is striving for goodness, which means doing good for each other. This is edification, which means making those who know God happy and satisfied in God, growing in faith, and making those who do not know God recognize Him through our lives so that they may honor God and believe in Him.

Dear Father, I understand verse 3 as follows: Christ suffered and died on the cross to redeem mankind from sin, and He did not do it for Himself but for the sake of humanity. Christ also endured all the humiliations that humans have inflicted upon God, and therefore He did it for God. The followers of Christ should imitate His example, seeking to please God and others rather than themselves.

Dear Father, I understand Verse 4 as follows: The things that were written before were written in the Holy Bible. It is through the Holy Bible that humans come to know about God, His will, their duty to Him, the eternal future of those who believe and obey Him, and the eternal future of those who do not believe and obey Him. By reading the Holy Bible, the followers of Christ come to know the promises of God, strengthen their faith, receive comfort, and have hope.

Dear Father, I understand verses 5 and 6 to mean that You are the Almighty God, but You have great patience with our disobedience and unbelief. You desire to save all people and bring them to the knowledge of the truth. You give each person a chance to repent. You are also the God of comfort to those who trust and obey You, helping them through difficult circumstances and easing their pain when the world treats them unfairly. You use those circumstances to refine their faith. You have given them the same understanding based on the Holy Bible to live and behave according to the Word of God like Christ. Thus, the Church has the same knowledge, the same faith, and the same praise for You.

Dear Father, I understand verse 7 to mean that the people of God in the Church must always be caring, supportive, burden-bearing, and building one another up as Christ accepted us in love, holiness, and the righteousness of God.

Dear Father, may the eternal living word of God always be alive in me, producing beautiful fruit that pleases you and benefits many people, especially my brothers and sisters in faith. I am grateful to you.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Timothy Christian Huynh