Timothy: Romans 1:16-17


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Timothy: Romans 1:16-17
The Gospel of Jesus Christ

16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone believing, both to Jew first, and to Greek;

17 for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; even as it has been written, “But the just shall live by faith.” Hab. 2:4

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, I thank You for the two Bible verses on which I reflected today. Those verses helped me understand the power of the Gospel and the righteousness of God revealed in the Gospel.

Dear Father, I understand that the Gospel is good news about God’s grace that forgives the sins of humanity through the redemptive death of Jesus Christ. It is called good news, not joyful news because it is good for all of humanity. On the other hand, joyful news can be joyful for some people but saddening for others. For example, news of victory is joyful for the winning side but saddening for the losing side.

Dear Father, I see that the Bible uses many different ways to call the Gospel. I understand that when it is called the Gospel of God, the implication is that it is the good news that comes from the Triune God, as a grace given by the Triune God. When it is called the Gospel of God the Father, it emphasizes the aspect of the redemption of humanity, as a grace given according to the holy will of God the Father. When it is called the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it emphasizes the aspect of the redemption of humanity which was actualized through the redemptive death of Jesus Christ. When it is called the Gospel of the Kingdom, it emphasizes the aspect of the redemption that enables those who believe to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father, I understand that when Paul says “my Gospel,” he wants to emphasize the event of him receiving and possessing the Gospel. The Gospel saved him, and now he lives by the Gospel. Living by the Gospel is living according to the Word of God and preaching the Word of God. Similarly, when he says “our Gospel,” he wants to emphasize to the listeners that he and his companions have been saved by the Gospel and are now living by the Gospel.

Dear Father, please help me always remember that I have been saved by the Gospel and that I possess the Gospel, so I must live by the Gospel. Please help me to preach the Gospel not only with words but also with my way of life. Please help me to live faithfully with the Gospel. I am grateful for your grace.

Dear Father, I understand that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who died to redeem humanity’s sins, is an expression of the almighty power of the Triune God in the salvation of humanity. But the almighty power of God was manifested and used in a just manner according to God’s nature. Even though God has the power to forgive human sin without punishment, if there is forgiveness without punishment, it will not be just.

Dear Father, I understand that because humans have sinned, punishment must be carried out on the fleshly body of humanity. However, one innocent person can only die in place of one guilty person. That is why the Word of God became flesh, named Jesus, to bear the punishment for all of humanity. He was both human and God. As a human, He could die in place of humanity. As God, His life is limitless, abundant enough to die for the limited lives of all humanity.

Dear Father, I understand that after a person has been forgiven by You through accepting the Gospel, they are restored to the position of a child of God. This is also the justice in the Gospel of God.

Dear Father, I understand that in God’s salvation plan, you chose a nation for the Word to become flesh and be born into. You chose the Israelite nation because their forefather was Abraham, a man who believed and worshiped God with all his heart. That is why the Gospel was preached first to the Israelites before other nations. At the time the Gospel began to be preached, the Greeks were cultured people who had a great influence on many other nations. Therefore, the Bible uses them as an example for non-Israelite nations.

Dear Father, I understand that to be saved, a person must believe in the Gospel. However, that belief must not only be in the mind but also in the spirit.

I understand that a person who believes in the Gospel in their mind is simply acknowledging the truth that Jesus Christ died to redeem humanity. However, they do not respond to this acknowledgement. On the other hand, a person who believes in the Gospel in their spirit both acknowledges the truth that Jesus Christ died to redeem humanity and joyfully responds to the call of the Gospel. This is true repentance. It is through faith in the spirit that a person receives the grace of salvation through the Gospel.

I understand that a person who believes in the Gospel in their mind is like a patient who believes in the doctor’s diagnosis, believes that they are sick, and believes that the medicine prescribed by the doctor will cure them. However, they may not be happy to take the medicine, or they may take it without following the doctor’s instructions properly. On the other hand, a person who believes in the Gospel in their spirit is like a patient who believes, rejoices, and wholeheartedly obeys all the doctor’s instructions and is extremely grateful to the doctor.

Dear Father, I understand that faith is a decision to believe and act according to one’s beliefs, with a longing to receive the results of one’s actions based on faith. The Bible calls it “faith with deeds”. A person who has faith in God is righteous. When they believe and obey the Word of God, all their sins are forgiven by God. God calls them righteous because they obey Him.

Dear Father, I understand that a person becomes righteous by having faith in God and demonstrating it through obedience to Him. Nowadays, having faith in God means having faith in the Gospel. A person who believes in the Gospel must live a life that reflects their faith by following the Word of God. Every time someone follows the Word of God, they understand it more and become more steadfast in their faith. This is the faith that leads to more faith. It is the faith that grows stronger every day through obedience to the Word of God.

Dear Father, I understand that the Gospel is the greatest blessing that God has bestowed upon humanity; it has incredible power to save and sanctify anyone who believes. The Gospel brings eternal life to anyone who believes. The Gospel is a source of honor and glory for anyone who believes, even if they have to pay the price with their wealth, status, reputation, power, freedom, or even their life.

My beloved Father, I thank You for Your Word of Life. I thank You for saving and leading me through the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank You for giving me the Holy Spirit who guides me into all Your truth. Please help me never to be ashamed of the Gospel or bring shame to the Gospel through my life.

May the Triune God always cover me with love and grace. I thank the Triune God and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Timothy Christian Huynh