Priscilla: Romans 15:14-21



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Priscilla: Romans 15:14-21
Paul the Minister to the Gentiles

14 But, my brothers, I myself also am persuaded concerning you, that you yourselves also are full of goodness, being filled with all knowledge, being able to warn one another.

15 But I wrote to you more boldly, brothers, as reminding you in part, because of the grace given to me by God,

16 for me to be a minister of Jesus Christ to the nations, sacredly ministering the gospel of God, that the offering of the nations might be acceptable, sanctified by the holy spirit [1].

17 Therefore I have boasting in Christ Jesus as to the things pertaining to God.

18 For I will not dare to speak of anything which Christ did not work out through me for the obedience of the nations in word and work,

19 in power of miraculous signs and wonders, in power of the spirit of God [2], so as for me to have fulfilled the preaching of the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem and in a circle as far as Illyricum.

20 And so eagerly striving to preach the gospel where Christ was not named, so that I should not build on another’s foundation,

21 but even as it has been written, “They shall see, to whom nothing was announced concerning Him; and the ones that have not heard shall understand.” Isa. 52:15

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my beloved Father, today I offer You my reflection on the Word of God in Romans 15:14-21 concerning Paul, who was called as an apostle to the Gentiles.

Dear God, I understand verse 14 to mean that Paul had heard of the faith and good reputation of the people of God in Rome, and their shining example of faith had spread throughout the Roman Empire. He was convinced that they were full of goodness and knowledge and were able to instruct one another.

Dear God, I understand verse 15 as follows: By the grace of God, Paul reminded the people of God in Rome of the knowledge of living a faithful life in Christ, which was his duty as an apostle.

Dear God, I understand verses 16 and 17 to mean that Paul was appointed by God as a minister of the Gospel of God to the Gentiles. He presented the Gentiles who had received the Gospel to God, boasting in Christ Jesus before Him. He was faithful in his ministry and preached Christ to the Gentiles, offering those who believed his preaching to God as offerings sanctified in the holy spirit [1].

Dear God, I understand verses 18 and 19 to mean that Paul emphasized that everything he taught the Gentiles about the Gospel of God came from Christ. Christ revealed the Gospel to him and worked through him, and the miraculous signs and wonders Paul performed were by the power of God. Through Paul’s preaching and his example, the Gentiles came to know and obey God, which is the acceptance of the Gospel of Christ.

Dear God, I understand verses 20 and 21 to mean that Paul considered it an honor to be appointed by God to preach the Gospel of Christ to the Gentiles. He desired to go to those who had never heard of Christ before so that he could preach to them, and they could hear and know the Gospel of Christ. When they believed, they would see the power of the Gospel in their lives.

Dear Father, I pray that You grant me wisdom so that every day, I may understand more about the Eternal Living Word of God. I am grateful to You.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Priscilla Christian Huynh