Joshua 1:8 The Very Important Commandment


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our first meditation on the Word of God comes from Joshua 1:8:

“This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, and you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you shall be on guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall prosper your way, and then you shall act wisely.” [Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Below are some suggested questions and applications. You may want to write down what you have learned from this Bible verse as though you were speaking to God, for example, “Dear Lord, I thank you for giving me an understanding of Joshua 1:8. It reminds me…”

May the Holy Spirit guide you.

Suggested Questions:

1. To whom did God speak these words? In what circumstances?

2. What is “This Book of the Law”? How did it come about?

3. Why is it called “The Book of the Law”?

4. What does “shall not depart out of your mouth” mean?

5. What does “meditate on it by day and by night” mean?

6. What does “be on guard to do” mean?

7. How many things do we need to be on guard to do according to this verse?

8. What does “you shall prosper” mean?

9. What does “your way” mean?

10. What does “act wisely” mean?

Suggested Applications:

1. Joshua 1:8 is a command. When in your life have you received this command?

2. Nowadays, for the people of God, what is “The Book of the Law”?

3. Have you memorized this Bible verse yet? If not, today, you should memorize it. Read it out loud and write it down 100 times. Ask God to help you remember it and be faithful to obey it.

4. Since you learned this Bible verse, have you been faithful to obey God’s command? If not, repent, confess to God, and from today on, be faithful to obey His Word.

5. God has exalted His Word above His name (Psalm 138:2). Is understanding God’s Word without obeying it disobedience to God, an offense to Him, and a contempt for His living Word? What should your attitude be when reading, meditating on God’s Word, and obeying it?

6. Set aside time to read, listen to, and meditate on God’s Word every day. Make it a top priority in your daily routine.

7. Today, spend time with God, examine yourself, and ask God to reveal any sins that you are not aware of or sins that you know but have not repented of. Ask God to forgive you, sanctify you, and help you be faithful to live according to His Word until the day Christ returns.