Timothy: Romans 8:26-30


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Timothy: Romans 8:26-30
The Purpose of God for His People

26 And likewise the Spirit also joins in to help our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes on our behalf with groanings that cannot be uttered.

27 But the One searching the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because He petitions on behalf of the saints according to God.

28 But we know that to the ones loving God all things work together for good, to those being called according to purpose;

29 because whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son, for Him to be the First-born among many brothers.

30 But whom He predestinated, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, I offer my praise and gratitude to You who love me, protect me, and nourish me every day with the Eternal Living Word of God. I pray to Christ to give me new strength and to heal any sickness in my physical body. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in my meditation on the Word of God. I thank Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Father, I would like to present my understanding while meditating on Romans 8:26-30.

Dear Father, I understand that verse 26 means Your people rely on Your promise of resurrection, everlasting life, and inheritance, completely through faith. Human flesh is weak and has limited understanding. Therefore, to help us maintain faith in Your promises, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and pleads to You for our needs, even when we do not recognize them ourselves. Sometimes, we suffer too much from pain, loss, or distress to express ourselves. In those moments, the Holy Spirit comforts and intercedes for us.

Dear Father, I understand that verse 27 implies that the Holy Spirit’s intercession for us is in accordance with Your will. You know our hearts, yet You still want the Holy Spirit to plead for us as it is a direct expression of Your compassion towards us.

I greatly appreciate the content of verses 28 to 30. I understand that God’s people have a certain knowledge of His love for them, and that if it were not for their sins, all the adversities they experience are allowed by You. They understand that all the adversities and blessings You allow to happen in their lives are meant to interact with each other and bring benefits to them. Whenever I read or remember Romans 8:28-30, I always think of the stories of Joseph and Job.

I understand and believe that You have a purpose for each of Your people. That is the position and work You will assign to each person in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, every adversity or blessing You allow to happen in our present lives is meant to help us be ready for the position and work You will assign to us in the future. Our duty is to offer praise and thanksgiving to You, to ask You to help us understand each lesson You bring to us, to ask You to help us overcome every adversity, and to ask You to help us always be vigilant against the enemy, even in times of blessings.

Dear Father, I understand that besides predestining us for positions and tasks in the Kingdom of Heaven, You have also predestined us to become like Christ. We are born by You into a new, sinless, and immortal fleshly body, just like the fleshly body of Christ. Therefore, Christ becomes the firstborn among us, Your sons and daughters.

Dear Father, I understand that in Your omniscience, You know beforehand who among humans has faith in You and wants to obey You. You call them and choose among them those who have a faithful heart, as many are called, but few are chosen. Among those who are called, there are many who are not loyal until the end.

Dear Father, please help me to hold on to my faith, remain steadfast with a loyal heart, and obey You until death or until Christ comes so that I will always belong to You and rejoice in Your kingdom forever. I am grateful to You.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Timothy Christian Huynh