Timothy: Romans 15:22-33


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Timothy: Romans 15:22-33
Paul’s Plan to Visit Rome

22 Because of this I also was much hindered from coming to you,

23 but now having no more place in these regions, and having a longing to come to you for many years,

24 whenever I may go into Spain, I will come to you; for I hope in traveling through to see you and to be set forward there by you, if first I may be filled of you in part.

25 But now I am going to Jerusalem, doing service to the saints.

26 For Macedonia and Achaia thought it good to make certain gifts to the poor of the saints in Jerusalem.

27 For they thought it good, also being debtors of them; for if the nations shared in their spiritual things, they ought also to minister to them in the fleshly things.

28 Then completing and having sealed this fruit to them, I will go through you into Spain.

29 And I know that I will come to you in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ when I come.

30 But I exhort you, brothers, by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God on my behalf,

31 that I be delivered from the disobedient ones in Judea, and that my ministry, which is to Jerusalem, may be acceptable to the saints,

32 that I may come to you in joy through the will of God, and that I may be refreshed with you.

33 And the God of peace be with all of you. Amen.

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, I am grateful for Your protection over the Church, including my family. I thank You for granting me another day to live in this flesh and continue to serve You. I am grateful for the Eternal Living Word of God. I pray that Christ gives me renewed strength, and the Holy Spirit grants me wisdom in my spirit. I thank Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Dear Father, I want to present my understanding while reflecting on Romans 15:22-33.

Dear Father, I understand verse 22 as follows: Satan always tries to prevent God’s people from living a holy life according to the Word of God and hinder the preaching of the Gospel. Therefore, it is not surprising that Paul was often hindered in his visit to the Church in Rome. I understand that You have the power to remove all obstacles created by the devil, but You allowed them to occur for the benefit of Paul and the Church in Rome. At least, because of those hindrances, Paul was able to preach the Gospel in other places.

Dear Father, I understand verses 23 and 24 to mean that when Paul wrote the letter to Rome, he had already preached the Gospel in all regions of Asia Minor, Greece, Macedonia, Achaia, Syria, and even the island of Cyprus. The only places he had not yet visited were Rome and Spain, so Paul was eager to visit them soon. He planned to visit Rome on his way to Spain and stay there for a while, having fellowship with the people of God. He hoped that the Church in Rome would support him on his journey to Spain.

Dear Father, from verses 25 to 27, I understand that Paul said he had to go back to Jerusalem, bringing the offering of the people of God from Macedonia and Achaia to support those in need in Jerusalem and Judea. The people of God in Jerusalem and Judea were mostly Israelites, and at that time, there was also a severe famine, making the situation of the poor even more difficult. I understand that God’s people always owe each other love, and supporting our brothers and sisters in need is our duty of repaying the debt of love to each other. Especially for God’s people among the Gentiles, they should be more willing to help the people of God who are Israelites, as they have received spiritual blessings through the people of Israel.

Dear Father, I understand verses 28 and 29 to mean that after Paul handed over the contributions from the people of God in Macedonia and Achaia to the elders of the Church in Jerusalem, he will travel to Rome and Spain. He believes that his visit will bring abundant blessings of the Gospel of Christ, as he will have the opportunity to share with them a detailed understanding of the Gospel of Christ, helping them to deepen their faith.

Dear Father, I understand that in verse 30, Paul is calling on the people of God in Rome to join him in his struggle while praying to the Father for him. Paul knows that the devil always seeks to hinder his missionary journeys, and I understand that fighting in prayer means fighting against the devil while praying to the Father. The Holy Spirit has taught us that “Very strong is a righteous petition, being made effective” (James 5:16b). I also understand that we can only approach the Father through the Lord Jesus Christ and that our prayers must be in the name of Christ to affirm our faith in His redemption. Our prayers must be driven by the love of the Holy Spirit, for it is the Holy Spirit who pours the love of God into our hearts. I understand that Paul uses the title “The Spirit” to refer to the action of God the Spirit outside of believers, but “the Holy Spirit” to refer to God the Spirit’s action inside the people of God on their spirits.

Dear God, I understand verse 31 as follows: Paul hopes that, through the fervent prayers of the people of God in Rome, he will be delivered from those who seek to harm him, and his service will be accepted by the Church in Jerusalem. In fact, Paul was saved from those who wanted to kill him in Jerusalem.

Dear Father, I understand verse 32 as follows: Paul desires to come to the people of God in Rome in joy, according to the will of God. He wants to have a time of rest among the people of God in Rome, perhaps to prepare for his missionary journey to Spain. In fact, Paul was imprisoned for two years in Caesarea due to the greed of Governor Felix before being sent to Rome to meet the people of God there. In Rome, he was imprisoned for another two years before being released. This is how Paul came to Rome according to the will of God. I understand that there are plans and desires of the people of God that please You, Father, but You have a way of making them a reality that is different from what we imagine.

Dear Father, I understand verse 33 as a blessing from Paul to the Church in Rome. You are called the God of Peace because anyone who believes in You is forgiven of all their sins and no longer fears the punishment of sin. You are also the One who guards them so that they may have peace in all circumstances of life.

Dear Father, may Your peace cover all Your people in these last days. I thank You. Amen!

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Timothy Christian Huynh