Timothy: Joshua 1:8


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Timothy: Joshua 1:8
The Very Important Commandment

“This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, and you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you shall be on guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall prosper your way, and then you shall act wisely” (Joshua 1:8).

Dear God, my Beloved Father,

I would like to write down a few things I have received through the Bible verse in Joshua 1:8.

Through the verses in Deuteronomy 7:9, Joshua 22:34, and 24:1, I understand that the name which is translated as “the LORD” or “Jehovah,” meaning the Self-Existing and Eternal One, mentioned in the Book of Joshua refers to You, God the Father. At the same time, I also understand that every word concerning the law in the Old Testament comes from You. The Book of Exodus tells me that You are the One who gave the commandments and laws to Moses, which were recorded in the Old Testament.

Joshua is about to lead millions of Israelites into the Promised Land to drive out the seven Canaanite nations. It is a great task, yet You did not give him knowledge of military tactics, but instead instructed him to read, meditate and carefully follow all that is written in Your Law, from the books of Genesis to Deuteronomy. If reading, meditating and carefully following all that is written in Your Law could help a commander to fulfill his mission, then it would also help every child of You who faces spiritual battles every day against the devil. A never-ending battle until the day they are taken out of this world by Christ. Thank you, Father, for today I have the entire Bible in my hands, which is the Law of God, including all the commandments of the Triune God.

I understand that as a child of God, I only need to have faith and obedience to God, then God Himself will help me solve all my needs and difficulties in life. Not only that, God also makes me more and more like Christ every day.

I understand that faith and obedience must be demonstrated through actions. There are two important commandments from You and Christ that every child of God must wholeheartedly follow to demonstrate faith and obedience to God. These are to follow Christ’s example of meekness and humility, and to diligently read, meditate and carefully follow every word of the Bible. If I do not fulfill these two commandments, I cannot fulfill the third important commandment of preaching the Gospel to all people.

I understand that “my way” is my daily lifestyle that I choose for myself. I have chosen to follow God. Therefore, all I need to do is to diligently obey Your commandment in Joshua 1:8, then my life in this world and the next will always be prosperous, filled with grace and all blessings from You, my heavenly Father.

In this life, prosperity is satisfaction and joy in growing knowledge of God’s Word; peace in all circumstances; contentment in every task of life, whether it be cleaning, farming, laboring in any work, eating a grain of rice or drinking a sip of water…; and delighting in all the wonders of nature that God has bestowed upon humans, from a cool breeze, a patch of green grass, a tiny flower to a sunny morning or a moonlit night.

I am grateful, Father, for Your Word and all of Your blessings.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Timothy Christian Huynh