Priscilla: Romans 7:1-6



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Priscilla: Romans 7:1-6
God’s People Released from the Law

1 Or are you ignorant, brothers, (for I speak to those knowing Law), that the Law lords it over the man for as long a time as he lives?

2 For the married woman was bound by Law to the living husband; but if the husband dies, she is set free from the Law of the husband.

3 So then, if the husband is living, she will be called an adulteress if she becomes another man’s. But if the husband dies, she is free from the Law, so as for her not to be an adulteress by becoming another man’s.

4 So that, my brothers, you also were made dead to the Law through the body of Christ, for you to become Another’s, to the One raised from the dead, so that we may bear fruit to God.

5 For when we were in the flesh, the passions of sin were working in our members through the Law for the bearing of fruit unto death.

6 But now we have been set free from the Law, having died to that in which we were held, so as for us to serve in newness of spirit, and not in oldness of letter.

[Literal Translation of the Holy Bible]

Dear God, my Beloved Father, today I offer to You what I have understood from meditating on Your Word in Romans 7:1-6 about how Your people have been freed from the law.

Dear God, I understand that the law regarding marriage mentioned in this passage is both a law of humans and of God. Some principles and laws that belong to the physical realm also apply to the spiritual realm, and vice versa.

Dear God, regarding the question of the Apostle Paul: “Are you ignorant, brothers, that the Law lords it over the man for as long a time as he lives,” I understand that while living with a sinful nature in the fleshly body, humanity is under the rule of God’s law. They are subject to the law’s punishment for violating God’s commandments and are accountable for their sinful nature.

I understand that those who truly repent of their sins, believe in the atoning death of Jesus Christ, have their sinful nature die with Christ on the cross. Therefore, the law no longer has any hold over them, and sin no longer has power over them. On the contrary, they are free to live a new and holy life with a new nature created for them in Christ.

Dear God, through Your grace and love, I have been forgiven, cleansed of my sinful nature, and made new in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of this, I have been freed from the punishment of the law and can live a new life under grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that by accepting Christ, I am acknowledging Him as my Father and Husband. The Bible says that He is the Everlasting Father and He is the Bridegroom, and the people of God in the Church are the Bride. The Church will be united with Christ in the marriage of the Lamb, which speaks of the love that Christ has for the Church.

Dear God, through today’s meditation on the Scriptures, I am reminded that, as children of God, we must be grateful for the gift of marriage that You have bestowed upon us, in which husband and wife are united as one in the Lord. Married couples must remain faithful to each other and love one another with all their hearts. I also understand that, even if I do not commit physical adultery, if I break any of the Ten Commandments, I have committed spiritual adultery. When I break any of the Ten Commandments, I am worshiping and serving my own desires, turning myself into an idol. I must live a holy life, love Your Word, obey the commandments, and uphold the law. This is how I can live faithfully with Christ and express my loyalty to Him.

Dear God, please grant me greater understanding each day of Your Eternal Living Word. Please keep me from breaking Your commandments, even unintentionally. I am thankful to You.

In the grace of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

Priscilla Christian Huynh