Ngôi Lời (The Word) Bible Reading Software

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Dear people of God,

The Administration Board of the Vietnamese Church’s Websites announces the launch of Ngôi Lời (“The Word”) Bible Reading Software written by Nguyễn Ngọc Tú, a Christian in the Vietnamese Church. The first completed version was officially published on 01/01/2020. There will be future updates as needed.

The current version is: Version 1.00 – 01/01/2020

You can choose which language to read in by clicking on the language link in the page’s left-side menu. We pray that there will be more languages available; if you want to help translate this page and the software’s user interface into your language, please contact us via email found at the bottom of this announcement.

Version 1.00 includes the online version, BibleWeb, and the offline version, BibleView.

We offer our thanks to our God, the I AM of the Bible, for His blessing to Nguyễn Ngọc Tú while he was writing the software. We also offer our God the Ngôi Lời Bible Reading Software as an offering to be used in the ministry for building the faith of God’s people everywhere; we hope that they will benefit from reading and consulting the Bible through this software.

Other announcements:

1. Vietnamese Bible Version Revised 2012 is still in the revision process for the new Vietnamese Bible translation, Thánh Kinh Việt Ngữ Bản Dịch Ngôi Lời (“Vietnamese Bible Translation, The Word Version”). It will be updated daily online. Fully edited books will be posted here: https://christ.thanhkinhvietngu.net/

2. The Chinese Bible has three translations:

  • Chinese New Version: it was directly translated from the Hebrew and Greek languages ​​of the Bible by Chinese people. This is the most accurate translation.
  • Chinese King James Version: it was translated from the English version of the King James Version. The New Testament portion of this translation was based on more than 5,000 Greek manuscripts.
  • Chinese Union Version: it was translated from the English Revised Version. The New Testament portion of this translation was based on two Greek manuscripts, making it the least accurate.

3. As for the English Bible, we will add more versions when more databases are available.

For any questions or suggestions, please email us:
[email protected]

In the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,

The Administration Board
of the Vietnamese Church’s Websites

Note: The Vietnamese Church is the Church of God among the Vietnamese. It is the holy assembly of all true Vietnamese Christians to worship God. It is not of any Christian denomination. Each local church is directly under the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ and led by His appointed elders.

The three main Vietnamese Church’s websites are: